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Planning Board Minutes 08/08/05
Planning Board Minutes
August 8, 2005
Town Hall

Present:        William Meegan-chair, Edward Kenyon, Russell Walton, Richard Osnoss, Janet Weidner, Mitchell Posin, and Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.
Public: Glen Provost, Doug Sederholm, and Zach Wiesner.

Mr. Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30p.m.

The minutes of June 27, 2005 were approved with some modifications.

Pepperbush Farm:
Glen Provost brought the linen for the Pepperbush Farm subdivision to be signed. The Board reviewed the plan and signed the linen.

Wiesner Map 30-76:
Zachary Wiesner came before the Board to present an informal plan to create a lot for his son. Mr. Wiesner is proposing to take land from two adjacent parcels to create a 3.1± acre parcel. After much discussion it was determined to have Mr. Wiesner come back with a plan that includes all the information necessary for a Form A application. Also it would have to go to the Martha's Vineyard Commission since the plan is within a previous DRI.  The charge for this plan is $100.00. Ms. Cini would contact Mr. Wiesner as to when he could be placed on the agenda.

Wireless Bylaw:
Mr. Kenyon presented the Board with a model wireless services bylaw for the Towns in Barnstable County, Massachusetts.  Mr. Kenyon stated that even though we have a bylaw this one should be reviewed for issues that are missing from the current bylaw. The Board agreed to review the model bylaw and take it up at a future meeting.

Middle Line Road:
Mr. Meegan would like town counsel to review the proposed plan for Middle Line Road and review the current Zoning Bylaws to see if there is anything the Planning Board needs to be aware of.

Building Cap Extension:
After reviewing the current Zoning Bylaw 7.1 Building Cap, the Board voted unanimously to extend the building cap for another three years and drafted an amendment to the current bylaw.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30p.m.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.